Monday, May 5, 2014

Integral Assessment (Unit 6)

          The primary goal of an integral assessment is to identify our most significant sources of distress and opportunities for growth.  In order to do this effectively one must be very honest with themselves as hard as that may be.  I have spent a great deal of time this past week thinking about the different aspects of the human experience and as a result have come up with the following conclusions.

Emotionally I feel very unbalanced these days, which I know is mostly because I am pregnant.  When I am feeling overwhelmed it is important that I keep this fact in mind along with the realization that it is only temporary.  Meditating has been very beneficial in helping me to control my emotions and calm myself.  I also find it helpful to make myself get up and go out on days that I am feeling gloomy and nine times out of ten I am glad I did.

Currently I feel very confident in all aspects of my biological health.  As I pointed out in previous assessments, taking care of my body is more important now than ever before.  I will continue to eat well, be as active as possible, go to all necessary doctor's appointments, and practice the mind/body exercises that I enjoy.

This aspect is very split for me...One of my causes of stress comes from the absent relationship with the father of my baby, while on the other hand my relationships with family and friends are flourishing.  Their support has been essential in my ability to cope with the pain he has caused me.  At this point in time I am working through my hurt with exercises in forgiveness, being grateful for this blessing, and focusing on being the best mom I can be.  I feel that I am coming along very well in this aspect.

Herein lies the biggest cause of distress to me that I have been dealing with for the past year or more at work.  Very often I come home stressed to the max from trying to deal with situations with customers and coworkers alike.  The concepts of loving-kindness have been helpful in dealing with people at work, as well as acceptance of the things I can change as opposed to the things that I can not.  I feel that this course has come along at just the right time for me and helping me discover the resources I have at my disposal to improve this aspect of my life.

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